Adventures already met her in the Magnus, but it appears she already made it back to her homeland before us.

One of the main characters in the story is Yeonghwa. The ending you choose will be stored in your new “Storybook”, along with illustrations from your journey. The story will not have linear progression like in the past, and there are actually 2 different endings for each story. After completing all 8 chapters, you will unlock 5 more stories in a second journal. All of the stories begin in the village and you can do them in any order, but you cannot start a new story until you have completed the current one. The Storybook is a journal or diary that you can refer to for clues and it will store your current story progress. There are 8 short stories available as chapters in your “Storybook”. For example, Adventurers will gather information from the town regarding a monster that eats people’s livers, and follow that information to discover who the Gumiho is, and how to solve that case. Unlike previous regions with linear stories, Adventurers will be searching for information on their own and deciding where to explore based on those findings. Adventurers will find themselves swept up into an incident with Dolswe, leading you to be under the watchful eye of Lee Duksoo, Warden of the Donghae Province. The Land of the Morning Light splits off into its own story, giving a break from the main plot of Ancient Relics and Illezra the White Witch. The story quests will be full of Korean folklore and unlike other story quests, players will be able to choose their own path in the story.